Web Scraping 101

Also: competitive concerns from OpenAI's big week

“Work smarter, not harder”

Been thinking about that phrase a lot lately.

What are some inefficiencies I can tweak?

One that I landed on: I don’t have time to be constantly checking competitors’ web pages.

You in the same boat? Maybe web scraping can help.

My good friends Sukanya (PMM @ Upshop) and Martin (Head of Product @ PTO Genius) both have web scraping processes in place for their competitive intel programs.

I’ve always been intimidated by these tools and workflows. So I’m stoked to learn what Sukanya and Martin have in place.

Hopefully you can join and take something away too.

Don’t miss out, it’s happening Dec. 8th!


What’s happening now


Your weekly dose of vitamin C(ompete)

Be honest about your shortcomings.

Maybe even give props to your competitors.

You’ll come off more authentic. And it’ll help you speak to your target audience more directly.


Emir Atli

Lessons From Scaling a YC-Backed Startup

Emir Atli is the Co-Founder and Chief Revenue Officer at HockeyStack, a GTM analytics platform for B2B companies to analyze, forecast, and optimize their marketing.

I joked with Emir that I feel like HockeyStack came out of nowhere but are now a constant presence in my LinkedIn feed.

We dove into the reason for that, as well as Emir's thoughts on:

  • the benefits of going through Y Combinator

  • why it's hard to start a martech business right now

  • what to do when competitors lie about your product

  • when to buy-out your prospect's contract with a competitor

And lots more!


From the Community

Here are a couple threads that got folks talking this week.

Wait, what’s the Healthy Competition Community again?

It’s where 100+ Product Marketers and Competitive Intel practitioners connect and share tips to help each other win.

Peachy memes 🍑

Stay Healthy, my friends.



or to participate.